Tan sols es un apunt del "temps real"
¿Usted no nada nada?
No, no traje traje ...
¿You don't swim nothing?
No, no bring dress
dimecres, 30 d’abril del 2008
dilluns, 21 d’abril del 2008
6,7,8, 9 ...10 Numerologia embarbussada !!!
A les sis tinc set, el càntir és buit, és nou i encara es deu
At six I'm thirsty, the jar is empty, it's new and it's still owed
(Versió a temps real)
At six I've got seven, the jar is eight, it's nine and it's still ten
At six I'm thirsty, the jar is empty, it's new and it's still owed
(Versió a temps real)
At six I've got seven, the jar is eight, it's nine and it's still ten
Embarbussaments ( Nivell P-5 )
En Pere Peret pintor, premiat per Portugal, pinta pots i potinguetes per posar pebre picant.
Peter Little Peter painter, prized by Portugal, paints pottery and mixtures to place chilli pepper in
Peter Little Peter painter, prized by Portugal, paints pottery and mixtures to place chilli pepper in
diumenge, 20 d’abril del 2008
Speedo LCR racer, 440 €
Trabalenguas !!!
Bizanci, principis del segle XIII
dimecres, 16 d’abril del 2008
USA, mitjans del segle XIX
No es oro todo lo que reluce
Not is gold all that glitter
La febre de l'or
The fever of the gold
Not is gold all that glitter
La febre de l'or
The fever of the gold
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